Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 57

March 17, 2013
Hey everyone!!
Sorry this weeks email will be short. I just typed up a nice long summary of my week and the Internet went out and the had to start it over so I just left to another shop. This week was great! We worked super hard and had a lot of success. Johny who I told y'all about last week is progressing so much! iIreally think he'll be ready by the 29th.
Sunday, I was asked to give a last second talk about 2 minutes before sacrament. I had no idea what to talk about so I just said a little prayer for help and inspiration. I ended up talking about one of my personal studies I had this week. I was reading in the book of Matthew when Jesus walked on water. This story is super interesting. He left his apostles alone in the boat and went to a mountain to pray. During that time the winds got bad and they were scared. Then during the 4th Watch of the morning (after researching and looking I found that is the hours of 3am to 6am) They look out to the sea and think they see a ghost or a spirit of some sort. Then Jesus says "Fear not, it is I." And then Peter says "Lord, if that's you, make it so that I can walk on the water." And Jesus responds with "Come." (I don't have my scriptures with me right now so sorry if this isn't word for word). He begins to walk and then sinks and Jesus ask him why he doubted? But he does it!  I love this story. And I like to compare the boat to the gospel and the sea to the world. We can walk in this world and still be disciples of Christ. In the world we live in today it's difficult. But if we act as followers of Christ and have faith in him and trust in Him we can do miracles and we can overcome Satan's temptations like pornography, alcohol, etc. It's POSSIBLE!!! Because we have our SAVIOR!!
I have to go, I have no time but I love you all and I'll talk to y'all next week!!!

Love Elder Berrett
We were able to catch him online and chat with him for just a moment.  He asked about all the family and wants everyone to know that he thinks of you all often.
He said he has pictures (but no time) and will send them next week!
Until then!

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